function loss after short period of time



After a fresh reboot I can access websites and my mail
server using outlook express, everything works fine.
However, after about 10 minutes websites start to load
slower, pictures don't load, and I can no longer access my
mail server. A few minutes later I can no longer access
websites at all. A reboot solves this problem. I have
cleared my internet temp files, reset all of my web
settings to default, used the handy repair tool in my
network settings. All to no avail. No other computer on
my network has this problem. I have also run
sfc /scannow, deleted the temp internet folder and cookies

When my connection goes sour I still get an IP from my
DHCP server, can still ping out to
websites, and can still Remote Desktop in through my
firewall. I also believe that if I use a download manager
while the connection is sour I still get great bandwidth.
The download could have a delayed start though. I am not
100% sure of that. I have not added any new software nor
have any settings changed (besides resetting the web
settings) to the best of my knowledge. Anybody have any
idea what is going on?

Don, I have tried all previous reccomendations with no
success. The only solution I have found so far is to


Have you tried running a memory checker on your system?
I've had similar problems before with bad memory modules.

Another possibility might be that your degradation starts
when the system starts to rely on virtual memory. Have
you ran scandisk with the check for bad sectors option,
and then ran defrag after that?


I have run scandisk as I do once a week but I have not
tried a memory checker as I am not having problems with
any other programs. As for my virtual memory, I have shut
down all other programs to try and isolate the problem.
It still occurs when my virtual memory use is very low so
I doubt it could be that. That would affect other
programs as well.

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