function for identifying different entries



I have a spread sheet with nearly 1400 rows. In column C
I have the different records (rows) categorized, ie
personnel safety, fire protection, housekeeping, etc.
Is there a function or vba coding that will allow me to
create a list of the different entries? What I want is a
list, independent of the number of times it shows up in
the 1400 records. For example: if safety appears 700
times within the 1400 records, I want it to appear in the
list once. Likewise, if fire protection appears 300
times, I want it to appear once in my new list.
Eventually, I want to put a countif statement to quantify
how many times each category is entered.


Frank Kabel

'Data - advanced filter' for this and check 'unique entries'

You may also consider using a pivot table for creating your report

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