Function, Calculation of Standard Deviation of levels


David Murphy

I have adapted an algorithm for calculating the standard deviation of
levels (20Log(x)) in an Excel function. The function seems to work
correctly but when I reopen the workbook or even open a chart with the
SD values the workbook fails to recalculate sometimes. I use XL97. The
code is provided below. Does anyone have any suggestions?

' This function calculates the positive 2 standard deviation for a
collection of ranges
' Created 6/22/04
' By: Dave Murphy
Function SDPDB(ParamArray Levels()) As Variant
Dim rng As Variant, S As Double, A As Double, Sig As Double
Dim SigPdB As Double, SigMdB As Double, x As Variant, n As Integer, LA
As Double
A = 0
S = 0
n = 0
For Each rng In Levels()
For Each x In Range(rng.Address)
If Not IsEmpty(x) Then
A = A + 10 ^ (x / 20)
S = S + 10 ^ (x / 10)
n = n + 1
End If
Next x
Next rng
A = A / n
LA = 20 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Log10(A)
Sig = 1 / (n - 1) ^ 0.5 * (S - n * 10 ^ (LA / 10)) ^ 0.5
SDPDB = 20 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Log10(1 + 2 * Sig / A)
End Function

Thanks for any help,

Tom Ogilvy

if a UDF has an error, in xl97, it stops the calculation loop.

Perhaps one of you UDF's has an error.

David Murphy

Thanks, Tom I'll look into it. When I return to worksheet and hit recalculate
the correct numbers reappear.

Tom Ogilvy

As an example,

For Each x In Range(rng.Address)

would refer to the activesheet when the calculation is performed (which may
not be the range intended)

You may have only one sheet in the workbook, but
why not
for each x in rng

Tom Ogilvy

See my followup comment - that makes it even more likely that what I said
may be happening.

David Murphy

Thanks, That seemes to do the trick.

Tom said:
As an example,

For Each x In Range(rng.Address)

would refer to the activesheet when the calculation is performed (which may
not be the range intended)

You may have only one sheet in the workbook, but
why not
for each x in rng

Dana DeLouis

Hello. Glad it works. Here's is just an idea. WorksheetFunction.Log10(x)
can be a little slow. Would this idea help? Hope I got it correct.

Replace these lines:
A = A / n
LA = 20 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Log10(A)
Sig = 1 / (n - 1) ^ 0.5 * (S - n * 10 ^ (LA / 10)) ^ 0.5
SDPDB = 20 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Log10(1 + 2 * Sig / A)

With this:

SDPDB = (20*Log(1+(2*n*Sqr(S-A^2/n))/(Sqr(n-1)*A)))/Log(10)

Again, just an idea.
Dana DeLouis

David Murphy

Thanks for the thought. When I substitute your suggestion into my function I
get #VALUE! as a result. Your thought of Algebraically simplifying the math is
great but I haven't been able to so far.

Thanks again,


Dana DeLouis

Hello. I'm not sure what the problem could be. I just picked some random
Here, both your version and my version return the same value. What test
data do you have?

Sub Demo()
Dim A, n, LA, Sig, SDPDB, S

'Test Data
A = 10: n = 5: S = 500

A = A / n
LA = 20 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Log10(A)
Sig = 1 / (n - 1) ^ 0.5 * (S - n * 10 ^ (LA / 10)) ^ 0.5
SDPDB = 20 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Log10(1 + 2 * Sig / A)
Debug.Print SDPDB

'Same Test Data
A = 10: n = 5: S = 500

SDPDB = (20*Log(1+(2*n*Sqr(S-A^2/n))/(Sqr(n-1)*A)))/Log(10)
Debug.Print SDPDB

End Sub

David Murphy

I found my mistake. Your solution works great. Thanks for the help.
I'd be curious to see how you simplified the function since when I went back and
looked at it I didn't know where to start.

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