Full Ajax driven application - patterns/practices


Piotr Nowak


Currently im skimming throgh Web Client Software Factory
I know, it could be great for complex apps, but i have one problem.

I use Telerik Controls (www.telerik.com) where i can ajaxify every
control by using telerik features and their controls.

I found that my client doesnt want any page reload at all, whole site
must behave like gmail. No reloads, every action goes througs ajax and
view is partially updated notifiyng user by i.e. Please wait label on
top right of the screen

So !,

How do i do a robust and efficient framework to make my application well
done like WCSF recommends.

Theres only one page involved when no reloads!!!!! - Default.aspx for
example... There's no way to change page address when doing ajax things,
so no master page changing nor page changing. So all logic has to be
embedded on Default.aspx ? Naaah, seems scary.
I tried to load user controls in Default.aspx.cs codebehind, but its
still dirty, i dont like it at all.

I need robust an elegant way for creating full ajax driven application,
i guess there must be way of doing it properly, not messy (i can do it
messy though :) )



bruce barker

it will depend on how dynamic your web site is. even gmail uses pages
for different operations (say attachments).

ajax is a technology for javascript to call a server.

you want javascript to be able to create and remove controls. thus you
want a javascript based control library similar to the google's gwt, or
microsofts old asp javascript control library.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)

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