FTP with ISS 5.1 and NetGear Router



I have somethings I would like to share and myself when
away from home. I have WinXp and NetGear RP114 Router all
running on my home network. Creating the Web site and ftp
site IIS, I forwarded port 80 and port 21 to local IP ex. . On both my default web site/ftp, I put in
the local IP address for the site identification. I had a
friend test the site with my real IP **.*.***.**, but did
not work. But When I type in the local IP address on my
web browser on any of the computer on the network at
home, it works. So I took the router out and connected
the computer directly to my cable modem. I put my real IP
on the both default web site/ ftp for the site
identification. The friend tested it and it worked. I
connected the router back and
left the real IP address for the site identification, but
it did not work. I believe this is a configuration issue
either with the router or Internet Information Services.
Please someone who knows routers and IIS, help. Thank you
for your consideration.


you won't be able to reach your FTP if your typing
ftP// form outside your router. 192.18.x.x numbers
aren't visible to the net. You need to use your Net IP. The one the
router uses..fpt://24.38.x.x/... when the router receives the request
on port 21, it will forward the packets to your internal address,

Note: Most ISP's provide dynamic addresses. They change periodically.
So, you must know your current Net IP, or use a service such as

I have somethings I would like to share and myself when
away from home. I have WinXp and NetGear RP114 Router all
running on my home network. Creating the Web site and ftp
site IIS, I forwarded port 80 and port 21 to local IP ex. . On both my default web site/ftp, I put in
the local IP address for the site identification. I had a
friend test the site with my real IP **.*.***.**, but did



First, Thanks for your post. I am not trying to access my
computer away from home with a local IP. I know that won't
work. On ISS, The Web site identification field is where
I type in the local IP. I don't know whether to use the
Local IP or the Real IP on that Field. But I know anyone
trying to access the site will have to know my DNS name or


First, Thanks for your post. I am not trying to access my
computer away from home with a local IP. I know that won't
work. On ISS, The Web site identification field is where
I type in the local IP. I don't know whether to use the
Local IP or the Real IP on that Field. But I know anyone
trying to access the site will have to know my DNS name or

By local and Real, do you mean the Lan address of the computer and the
Net visible address of the router?. Either way should work. The Real
address would just send outside the Lan and them back in.


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