FTP SSL Certificate - ServicePoint



I am trying to implement FtpWebRequest with EnableSsl = true.

The WS_FTP server has our VeriSign Server Certificate installed and with the
WS_FTP Pro client am able to connect. However, with their client we are
presented with a dialog and must manually add the Certificate to the
client's Trusted Authorities database. Seems odd but Ipswitch verified, that
is how to proceed.

Now with .NET 2.0 I am getting a response of...

"The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure."

However when looking at the results of the ServicePoint, the .Certificate is

I saw one blog that had something to do with having a space in the name

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you,

- Mike

public string ftpDirList()

StreamReader srReader = null;

m_ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(m_uri.Uri);
m_ftpRequest.KeepAlive = false;
m_ftpRequest.Credentials = m_creds;
m_ftpRequest.EnableSsl = m_bSsl;
m_ftpRequest.UsePassive = true;
m_ftpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory;

ServicePoint sp = m_ftpRequest.ServicePoint;

if (sp.Certificate == null)
Console.WriteLine("ServicePoint Certificate is null");

Console.WriteLine("ServicePoint connections = {0}.", sp.ConnectionLimit);

m_ftpResponse = (FtpWebResponse)m_ftpRequest.GetResponse();
srReader = new StreamReader(m_ftpResponse.GetResponseStream());

return (srReader.ReadToEnd());



Hi Mike,

I also encounter the same problem. You manage resolve this issue?

It seem like the servicepoint doesn't receive any things.

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