FTP not working



Any pointers or help would be appreciated.

When ever I type ftp:// or ftp://ftp.myftpserver.com into the address bar
and hit return or the go button, nothing happens.

No outbound traffic, at all. And no error message appears.

Ftp communication works fine in Opera, ftp clients and other web browser
just not IE 6

This is not a firewall problem, passive works just fine.. But an IE6 problem

Any one got any ideas where I can start looking, i.e. registry, *.dll files
etc etc ?




Any pointers or help would be appreciated.

When ever I type ftp:// or ftp://ftp.myftpserver.com into the address bar
and hit return or the go button, nothing happens.

No outbound traffic, at all. And no error message appears.

Ftp communication works fine in Opera, ftp clients and other web browser
just not IE 6

This is not a firewall problem, passive works just fine.. But an IE6 problem

Any one got any ideas where I can start looking, i.e. registry, *.dll files
etc etc ?

Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel > Internet Options, click on to the
Advanced Tab, scroll down to "Enable Folder View for FTP sites".
Make sure that option is checked. Following this you should be able to view FTP
folders in your Browser window.



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