FrontPage error message


Bob Cooper


When I try to upload new pages to my web site I now
receive the following error message:

"425 cannot build data connection: connection timed out."

and FrontPage 'disconnects' me. I am using FrontPage 2002
and a Broadband connection.

I have tried at very qiet times with the same result so it
seems that my ISP is not the problem.

Can anyone help?

Bob Cooper

Steve Easton

1. Check and see if your ISP is blocking outbound port 80
from client machines. Some do, to prevent users from running
web sites and / or file sharing on home computers.

2. Are you running Yahoo IM. If so shut it down as it claims port 80
for it's P2P files sharing utility.


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When I try to upload new pages to my web site I now
receive the following error message:

"425 cannot build data connection: connection timed out."

and FrontPage 'disconnects' me. I am using FrontPage 2002
and a Broadband connection.

I have tried at very qiet times with the same result so it
seems that my ISP is not the problem.

Can anyone help?

Bob Cooper

Bob Cooper

For any one who reads this request - I have discovered the
problem: I had Zone Alarm installed and once removed
FrontPage uploads worked fine.


Bob C.

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