Freezing and Reboots



When i play any game my system crashes or reboots once an awhile and also i'll get an alarm bell sound from the board every so often, in which i have to shut down the computer completely to get rid of the alarm. I've checked everything i could and there are no conflicts or problems.The alarm sounds like a European cop car, what the hell is wrong? What else can i do to resolve this nucance? Could it be the Motherboard which has an Nvidia chipset and i have a ATI video card

System: AMD Athlon 2500+XP on a Leadtek K7NCR18D Pro, ATI AIW 9600 Pro, 1 Gig of Mem.


I'm not overclocked and have had the system about a year now. The only thing i've changed is the video card,I never had this problem before.Should I replace the cpu fan or add one?or both? How do i know the fan is shot?


Maybe it's not your computer but the game that has the issue. Is your xp original with your pc? I had 98se on mine and it froze and rebooted so much it wasn't funny when we played games. Problem ended up being that my OS had a lot of bugs in it. So I wiped the 98 from the drive and did a clean install with xp pro. Haven't had an issue since. I was told by a 20 yr Engineer that if you "upgrade" to xp from 98 then all of the problems you had with 98 will go to the xp.

I don't know if this helped, but hope it did.


Thanks, But i thought of that too and wiped HDD and reinstalled XP without installing Windows ME which was my original OS.So I did a clean install.Does anyone know if i did a repair install of Xp would that work maybe i have a bad config of XP?

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