free space



Is it posible to take a free space of remote computers drives and write
this in an excel sheet through a batch file.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

group policy said:
Is it posible to take a free space of remote computers drives and write
this in an excel sheet through a batch file.

Place all your remote computer names into a file
called PCs.txt, then run this batch file:

1 @echo off
2 echo PC audit taken on %date% at %time:~0,5% >Free.xls
3 echo ========================================= >>Free.xls
4 for /F %%a in (PCs.txt) do call :GetDetails %%a
5 goto :eof
7 :GetDetails
8 for /F "tokens=3" %%a in ('dir /-c \\%1\c$ ^| find /i "bytes free"') do
echo "%1","%%a" >> Free.xls

Remove the line numbers before running the batch file.

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