Frames Navigation Help, Please.


Martin Schmid

I've got a page w/ frames... one is a navigation frame with some
ImageButtons. In the navigation frame, there is also a drop-down list. I
need to redirect the mainFrame based on which ImageButton is selected, and
which value is selected in the drop-down list.

I.e., each ImageButton is a thumbnail image, and the dropdown lets the
viewer select the result size of the image... 25%, 50%, 100%. I need to
dynamically generate something that tells the mainFrame to go to:
showimage.aspx?file=/myweb/photos/Chihuly/09300002.JPG&size=0.25 where after
the file= is based on which thumbnail selected and the size= is based on the
value in the drop down.

My showimage.aspx works... I just need to nail down this navigation. Any

Vidar Petursson


<ELEMENT onclick="doIt(this.src)".....
Where ELEMENT is a <img or <input type="image, if its a input then return
so it won't submit: <input type="image" onclick="doIt();return false"...

function doIt(sImgSrc){
var e = document.forms["FORMNAME"].SELECTNAME;
parent.FRAMENAME.location.href = "showimage.aspx?file=" + sImgSrc + "&size="
+ e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
Where SELECTNAME is the name of the dropdown and FRAMENAME the name
of the target frame

More info:

Best Regards
Vidar Petursson
Microsoft Scripting MVP

Martin Schmid

Needed a little work... but it got me there..


Martin Schmid, EIT, CCSA, MCDBA, MCSE
Vidar Petursson said:

<ELEMENT onclick="doIt(this.src)".....
Where ELEMENT is a <img or <input type="image, if its a input then return
so it won't submit: <input type="image" onclick="doIt();return false"...

function doIt(sImgSrc){
var e = document.forms["FORMNAME"].SELECTNAME;
parent.FRAMENAME.location.href = "showimage.aspx?file=" + sImgSrc + "&size="
+ e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
Where SELECTNAME is the name of the dropdown and FRAMENAME the name
of the target frame

More info:

Best Regards
Vidar Petursson
Microsoft Scripting MVP
Martin Schmid said:
I've got a page w/ frames... one is a navigation frame with some
ImageButtons. In the navigation frame, there is also a drop-down list. I
need to redirect the mainFrame based on which ImageButton is selected, and
which value is selected in the drop-down list.

I.e., each ImageButton is a thumbnail image, and the dropdown lets the
viewer select the result size of the image... 25%, 50%, 100%. I need to
dynamically generate something that tells the mainFrame to go to:
showimage.aspx?file=/myweb/photos/Chihuly/09300002.JPG&size=0.25 where
the file= is based on which thumbnail selected and the size= is based on
value in the drop down.

My showimage.aspx works... I just need to nail down this navigation. Any

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