FP Gallery Woes



I have built my site with no problems until recently, when loading new
images via ftp, the site gallery is not loading the "thumbnail" just a red
"x". However, when you click on the red x thumbnail, the picture will load
properly below.

I have used the scrolling image gallery.

The file names are the same, the extensions are the same, the file names are
small. And while working with FP before uploading, all the images are
working fine.

The site is located here: http://members.rogers.com/fzs/ and from the
sidebar onthe left, its the "MEMBERS" page that is giving me grief.



Thanks Eleanor, I will check the link out. I was trying to understand why it
was working for me, and now it isn't when I haven't changed anything. My
ISP which is providing the web space for the site, does not accept the
protocols that FP uses to upload.

I will look into JAlbum too


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