Forwarding Email Automatically



I need to automatically forward any emails sent to one address to another
address. Is there any way to do this in Outlook or do I need to make the
change at the exchange server level?

Thanks in advance.

Brian Tillman

Stonewall said:
I need to automatically forward any emails sent to one address to
another address. Is there any way to do this in Outlook or do I need
to make the change at the exchange server level?

Youi'd be better off using the Exchange server to echo the messages to two
mailboxes. You can create a rule on Outlook, though, to forward to another


Thanks for the help. I was just wondering how I could echo the messages to a
different account on the server. Do I need to contact the people in charge
of the servers or can I do that remotely?

Brian Tillman

Stonewall said:
Thanks for the help. I was just wondering how I could echo the
messages to a different account on the server. Do I need to contact
the people in charge of the servers or can I do that remotely?

The Exchange admins will need to do that.

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