Formview Replace function: Add LineFeed




When I open a FormView in View mode, the line breaks are missing, but they
show up when I enter edit mode. So I tried to use the following on a
Textbox with a replace function, but got the following error:

Public member 'Replace' on type 'DBNull' not found.

<asp:Label ID="lblArchReviewItem"
Text='<%# Eval("ArchitectReview").Replace(vbcrlf,"<br />").Trim() %>'
runat="server" />

Also, I would looking around and I read that you shouldn't really be using
VbCrlf anymore. Is this true?

Any help with this would be appreciated.

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Sck10,

Thank you for posting.

As for the replace function, it can be used with the vbcrlf when you are
using VB.NET as the programming language. I think the problem in your page
is caused by the Eval function, this expression will not directly return
the string, it will return an object instance, so if you want to use string
operation on the object, be sure to call the ToString function first. For

<asp:Label ID="DescriptionLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#
Eval("Description").ToString().Replace(vbcrlf,"<br/>") %>'>

This works well on my test page.

Hope this helps.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Community Support


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