


I am having trouble with a field in which I am simply trying to calculate
because I am using some IF formulas in the monthly values from where B30 and
B31 are pulled from. The formulas say IF September 2008 >0, Sum (all cell to
make the YTD value), otherwise leave blank. This works fine. I ran into a
problem with the % field which simply divides 2007 over 2008 value to come up
with increase or decrease. if the values are left blank with the previous IF
formula, the % field returns an error if i simply say =B30/B31, How can I say
IF B30=0 and B31=0, leave blank, otherwise, B31/B31. I am using the below
formula and it is not working. =IF(AND(B30=0,B31=0)," ",B30/B31)

Peo Sjoblom

First of all don't insert a space, insert a blank which is "" as opposed to
" "

This assumes B31 cannot be 0


If B31 can be zero




Peo Sjoblom

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