formulas dollars and formula %


Wanna Learn

Excel 2002 - involves 2 columns Column K and column J
If the value in K4 = 5 then whatever is in cell J4 in dollars
But if the value in K4 =1 then J4 – 100 in %
Column J Column K Results should be
5 1375 $1,375
1 22 78%
Thanks in advance
I've have tried .....


Slightly confused with your example you state the K4 should equal 1 or 5, but
in your example the 1 and 5 appear in J4

Assuming the 1 and 5 are in J4 - Two ways to solve this
=(J4=5)*K4+(J4=1)*(1-k4/100) - you will have to use conditional formating to
change the "presentation" of the numbers

second way
=if(J4=5,K4,if(J4=1,1-k4/100,"not one or five")) - you will have to use
conditional formating to change the "presentation" of the numbers


John C comments on using the text will work as well as the conditional
formating - our formulas will yield the same results - although they look
slightly different....

John C

Conditional formatting changes the display of the cell, borders, font color,
background color, underlining, bold, etc. I am not sure where it can change
the presentation of the cell contents, as you suggest.


With excel 2007 conditional formating allows the changing of the presentaion
of cell contents (Just got done validating this) - I'm pretty sure that that
feature was in 2003 - Not sure if it was in prior versions - but based on
past postings - I would think that it would be there....


You are correct - you cannot change the number format with conditional
formating using Excel 2003.

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