


Excel 2003 - How do I set up a formula for the following:

I wish to have a running total of a $ amount brought forward in a column,
starting cell J3, followed by an additional amounts in G4+G5+G6-H7+G8
+G9-H10 etc. J4 would then show J3 plus G4 and so on with a final total
showing at J10.

I hope this makes sense.

Michael Slater

Hi Learner,

I'm new at this myself, but I was just doing the same thing the other day.

What I did, adjusted to your example, with a starting amount ($10.00) in J3,
enter the following formula in J4 (without the quotes): "=$J3+G4-H4"
(assuming that column H is used for subtraction amounts). Press enter, then
select cell J4 and drag down as far as you need to go using the handle in
the lower right corner of the cell.

Some of the pros here may know a better way, but that worked for me.




Thanks Michael - will try that.

Michael Slater said:
Hi Learner,

I'm new at this myself, but I was just doing the same thing the other day.

What I did, adjusted to your example, with a starting amount ($10.00) in
J3, enter the following formula in J4 (without the quotes): "=$J3+G4-H4"
(assuming that column H is used for subtraction amounts). Press enter,
then select cell J4 and drag down as far as you need to go using the
handle in the lower right corner of the cell.

Some of the pros here may know a better way, but that worked for me.



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