Formula to Autofill Info based on Other Data



Using: Excel 2000, on Windows 98

Good morning! I'm hoping that someone on here can possibly help me. I
have basic Excel knowledge, but this is out of my skill set.

My boss has given me a project to work on, in which I have a workbook
with two worksheets that I am dealing with. The worksheets are labelled

On the PRICE sheet, I have several columns. Column A lists the product
name, Columns E list the per page charge for the *red* program, and
Column G lists the per page charge for the *blue* program. Those are
the columns we will be dealing with. All specific information on this
page starts on Row 5, with the headings, etc on Rows 1 - 4.

On the SUMMARY sheet, we have Column A which lists the product name,
Column E which lists the cost per page for *red* and Column G which
lists the cost per page for *blue*. As with the PRICE sheet, all
specific information on this page starts on Row 5, with the headings,
etc on Rows 1 - 4.

What I need to be able to do, is when one of our sales guys enters a
product name in Column A on the SUMMARY worksheet (I have this set up
with Data Validation, so the name will be the same format on both the
PRICE and SUMMARY worksheets), have columns E & G automatically fill in
with the corresponding information (columns E & G) from the PRICE
worksheet, without the sales guy having to go and look up the
information on the other sheet.

I'm not very experienced with setting up formulas (but I'm trying to
learn!), so any help and guidance you could offer would be greatly



Put this formula on the summary page where you need the price to appear.

D3 is the lookup value (product name)

PRICE! tells the formula to "look at" the price tab

$D$3:$G$8 is the range on the price tab where the product names and prices
are listed. The first column "D" has to be the product name and you will need
to lock this range with the dollar signs (as shown above).

4 is the number of columns over from the product name where the price is
(you have to include product name when counting the columns)

FALSE will return the price for the exact product entered on the summary tab.

Once you have typed this formula in (check it for accurracy) then you can
just copy it down the page.

Hope this helps.

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