Formula to add based on information from 2 different cells



I am trying to create a formula that will take data from one column and based
upon that data count data in another column. My column C2:C112 holds state
names (FL) and my column H2:H112 holds dates (12/8/08). The formula needs to
count the number of dates in column H for all corresponding rows in column C.
So if I have 10 rows in column C with FL in it and only 3 with dates in
column H I only want it to add those 3 on a separate worksheet.


Try this:


This doesn't specifically test for a date, as that is just a number to
Excel, so it tests for the cell in column H not being blank.

Hope this helps.


T. Valko

It's not real clear what you want to do.

Do you want to count the dates that correspond to FL? If so, try this:


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