Formula Result Does Not Change when a component does



Changed an entry in a spread sheet that drives results in a numebr of cells.
The results change in some cells and not others. Sheet and cells are
unprotected and calcualtion option is set at automatic. When I erase one of
the affected formulas and reenter, I get "0" as a result. If I copy the
formula from the cell below, i get the right formula but the result displayed
is from the cell below. Can anyone tell me what's going on?


I am not sure if the formatting of these cells has got anything to do with
this. However, if you could share the spreadsheet, it might be helpful.

P.S If this post is helpful, please select 'Yes' for this post


Will check the formatting and would share the sheet but can't - too much
confidential information would have to be removed. Thanks for the suggestion.

robin l

I am having the same issue - if someone can look into it for me I would
happily share the spreadsheet.



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