Formula Questions



Having trouble with formulas. I have two work sheets. Work sheet1 is a work
order. Work sheet2 is what needs to be done by a certain date. What I need to
do is type in a date in work sheet 1. At that point the date has to find the
date on work sheet2. Once the date is found the formula needs to check if
anything is in b2 in work sheet2, and if it is, move what is in a2 into work
sheet 1. Highly confused. I have never attempted this before. Any help would
be highly appreciated.

Bob Phillips




Thanks Bob, this was very helpful. Is there a way to tell it to check from a1
to p1 for the date, than move the information if the date is found in any of
those blocks.

EX: If the date if found in m1 on sheet2 then move what is in m2 to sheet1

Thanks Again Bob

Bob Phillips

When you find a value in A1:p1, do you want to check the corresponding value
in B2:Q2 for a value, and then move in the value from A2:p2, is that what
you are asking?


I need the formula to check the columns from a1 thru p1. Only one will have
the correct date in it. Once the date is found, than move the corresponding B
value to the other sheet. EX: If the date was found in M1 then the value in
M2 would move to the other sheet.


Your amazing on this stuff. Thanks so much

Puzzled said:
I need the formula to check the columns from a1 thru p1. Only one will have
the correct date in it. Once the date is found, than move the corresponding B
value to the other sheet. EX: If the date was found in M1 then the value in
M2 would move to the other sheet.

Bob Phillips



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