Formula for Growth %



I have been asked to add a Growth % to a spreadsheet someone else created.
I'm not real familiar with any formulas to do this, can someone help me? Below
is how they want it set up:
2007 7 13 10 10
2008 10 6 3 9
Variance 3 -7 -7 -1
Growth %

2009 9 8 12 12
Variance -1 2 9 3
Growth %

I have searched for this on the internet and within this
site, but it seems like growth %'s are very confusing!!!
Any help you can give is appreciated!


you have two ways to do that

let's assume that Jan information is in column B and 2007 information in
cell B2, 2008 in cell B2 and variance in B3

1st option is




with either formula you get the same results, copy then the formula to your

to compare 2009 use the same logic

Trevor Greene

 I have been asked to add a Growth % to a spreadsheet someone else created.  
I'm not real familiar with any formulas to do this, can someone help me? Below
is how they want it set up:
                 JAN   FEB  MAR  APR  etc....
2007           7       13    10     10
2008          10        6      3       9
Variance      3       -7     -7     -1
Growth %

2009           9          8    12    12
Variance     -1         2     9       3
Growth %

I have searched for this on the internet and within this
site, but it seems like growth %'s are very confusing!!!
Any help you can give is appreciated!

The way I have always done the % Increase or decrease is as
follows... (New-Old)/Old or (New/old)-1. Both bring out the same
results. you should get roughly 42% for jan 07-08 increase. 42% of 7
is about 3. So your increase is 42%.

setting it up in excel, it would look like the following: use the
actual cell reference instead of the actual numbers
=(10-7)/7 or =(10/7)-1


well, I tried what you gave me, but am more than a little confused, let me
put my columns/rows in and can you set the formula(s) up for them? Sorry, at
the risk of sounding really dumb, I didn't get anything with the formula you
gave me. I use Excel a lot, I'm really not stupid, :) but for some reason, I
didn't get anything that looked right..... I really appreciate your help!!!

6 JAN FEB MAR APR etc....
7 2007 7 13 10 10
8 2008 10 6 3 9
9 Variance 3 -7 -7 -1
10 Growth %
12 2009 9 8 12 12
13 Variance -1 2 9 3
14 Growth %


In D10 enter


format D10 as percentage ( if you don't the result you'll see is 0.428)

in D14 enter


Format D14 as percentage,( if you dont the result will be 0.10)

Then copy this formulas to your right

Hope now is clear



I've run into a problem, when I copied over, I have the 2008 figure as 1,
the 2009 figure is 4, so the variance is 3, and the growth is showing as
300%????Shouldn't it be different than that?

Trevor Greene


I've run into a problem, when I copied over, I have the 2008 figure as 1,
the 2009 figure is 4, so the variance is 3, and the growth is showing as
300%????Shouldn't it be different than that?

If your 2008 value is 1, your 2009 value is 4 then it would
essentially be (4-1)/1 or (4/1)-1 which is the 300% increase that you
had calculated.


ok, for some reason, that wasn't making sense to me. I have one more
question, if you wouldn't mind, then I'll leave you alone :) Say, if 2008
is 0 and 2009 is 4, I'm getting a #DIV/0! error. If I put in the formula
=IF(2009cell=0,0,(2009/2008)), I'm still getting the #DIV/0! error. Any


Trevor, if my 2008 number is 0 and my 2009 number is 2, then there is growth,
however I'm getting the #DIV/0! should I handle this?


Tasha said:
if 2008 is 0 and 2009 is 4, I'm getting a #DIV/0! error.
If I put in the formula =IF(2009cell=0,0,(2009/2008)),
I'm still getting the #DIV/0! error. Any ideas?

That should be =IF(2008cell=0, 0, 2009cell/2008cell)

where 2008cell is the 2008 data and 2009cell is the difference between 2009
and 2008 data (so-called "variance").

But personally, I would choose:

=IF(2008cell=0, 1, 2009cell/2008cell)

Although there is no correct mathmetical answer when 2008cell is zero, I
would treat any growth as 100% growth, not 0%.

----- original message -----


Tasha said:
if my 2008 number is 0 and my 2009 number is 2, then there is growth,
however I'm getting the #DIV/0! should I handle this?

If B3 is the 2008 data (0), B7 is the 2009 data (2), and B8 is the
difference (so-called "variance"; =B7-B3), I would choose:

=IF(B3=0, 1, B8/B3)

Although there is no correct mathmetical answer when the 2008 data is zero,
I would treat any growth as 100% growth.

----- original message -----

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