Formula for adjacent row sums?



Hello. I have a speadsheet that has numerous rows and columns of amount
that need to have an automatic sum entered in the middle of each row
For ex:

Inv Date Part Labor Tax Total Other Paid (auto sum) other other
23 1/4 nut 27. 2. 29. -3. 22. (
) 0. 0.
45 2/7 bolt 1. .6 1.06 .50 1. (
) 4. 3.

There is row after row but I only want the 2 columns labeled 'other
and 'paid' to total in the (auto sum) column. I was wondering if ther
is a formula to enter without having to do each (auto sum) ro
individually. I am working in excel 2004. Thank you

rob nobel

Enter this formula into the first autosum cell but alter G and H to be the
appropriate columns and change 1 to whatever row your data starts on.
= sum(G1:H1)
Then once entered, copy the cell and select the entire column from that
point down and paste.


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