Formula Error


YB Girl

I don't think I described it right. This is what I am trying to do:

One formula... If a sum of numbers is greater than 0, multiply that sum by
a number and then add that number to another sum of numbers multiplied by
another number.

Conan Kelly

YB Girl,

Please provide more detail. Give actual examples with expected results.

For example:
If (1+2) > 0 then ((1+2) * 3) + ((4+5)*6) else 0 (or nothing or error
message or (1+2) or ((1+2)*3)

=IF(sum(A1:A2)>0,(sum(A1:A2)*A3)+(sum(A4:A5)*A6),"the sum is not greater
than zero!!!")

Also you say "If a sum of numbers is greater than 0", what results do you
want if it is less than/equal to 0?




Your request seems pretty straight forward with the exception of some
confusing wording.

If the sum of a numbers (A1:A5) is > 0, then multiply sum by a number (C1).
Then add that sum to another sum of numbers (B1:B5) multiplied by another
number (C2). Ok, so what if the first sum is not greater than zero? In my
formula below, I have it returning blank.



Ed Cones

If I use your exact wording and reduce it to a formula:

If( {a sum of numbers} > 0, ({a sum of numbers} * {a number}) + ( {another
sum of numbers} * {another number}), ????)

Let's say that "a sum of numbers" is sum(a1:a10)
"a number" is b1
"another sum of numbers" is sum(c1:c10)
"another number" is d1

You didn't say what to do if "a sum of numbers" is not greater than 0, so I
inserted "????"

If(sum(a1:a10) > 0, (sum(a1:a10) * b1) + ( sum(c1:c10) * d1), ????)

OK. There's my stab at the solution ;o)

YB Girl

If the first sum of numbers is not greater than 0, then my answer is simply
the second sum of numbers multiplied by a number. In other words, if the
first sum of numbers is 0, I just want 0 added to the second part of the


Ok, you don't really need an IF statement here.




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