Formula doesn't work unless hit enter again


Whois Clinton

I have the formula below to calculate percentage of gains. It has been
dragged through approximately 70 rows. It has been working fine automaticall
calculating as I enter the data in columns K,L,M. However, today as I
continue entering data the formula does not automatically calculate. i have
to click the cell, place the cursor in the formula bar and then press enter.
i change nothing in the formula, but simply bringing it into formula bar and
pressing enter the formula then works.

Is it a fluke? I have tried reopening it but the problem persists.

Thanks in advance,


Mike H

Sounds like calculation has switched to manual.

Tools|Options|Calculation Tab.

Select automatic.


Whois Clinton

That was exactly it. Any idea why that happened. I know I didn't
intentionally change that.

Mike H

It remembers the setting of the first workbook opened in that session so if
that was manual calc then they all will be until you change it back

Gord Dibben

Tools>Options>Calculation can be Auto or Manual.

Excel takes the Calculation mode each session from the settings on the first
workbook opened in that session.

i.e. If you saved Book1 with calc mode in manual and opened it first, calc
mode would be in Manual.

If you saved Book2 with calc mode in auto and opened it after Book1, Book2
would be in manual mode(Excel ignores the auto calc mode in this case).

If you close Book1 before opening Book2, Book2 will be in auto calc mode.

Confusing enough? <g>

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Whois Clinton

Ok thanks again for your time and info

Mike H said:
It remembers the setting of the first workbook opened in that session so if
that was manual calc then they all will be until you change it back

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