Forms in Modal IE Window create a new window on postback!



In my page I use window.ShowModalDialog

Page.RegisterStartupScript("PopUpPerson", _
"<script language=""Javascript"">" & vbCrLf & _
"window.showModalDialog('Person.aspx?id=" & SelectedPersonID &
"','','dialogWidth:720px; dialogHeight:450px; status:blush:ff; center:Yes;
help:No; scroll:No;');" & vbCrLf & _

to render a details page in a modal window. Yet when I press a button to
Save the
modifications on that page the page postbacks and redraws in a new window.

The Save button is a server side ASP:Button which for the moment does nothing.

How can I prevent a postback event to open a new window to redraw the page?

Jeffrey Todd

I hope his suggestion works for you...hasn't for me. I have done extensive
research on this and have received about 6 different solutions. -- the
*only* way I have found to solve the problem you describe is to have the
modal dialog be a frameset (or an iFrame). The pages that show up in the
frameset or iFrame can post back and will be redisplayed in the frame/iFrame
and will not open in a new window.


Jeffrey Todd

That's not a universal solution - can't reasonably ask all users to disable
smart navigation.

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