Forms - Drop Down Box & Option buttons


Ray Mooney

I have a FP2003 Form which includes a set of "option" buttons for selection.
For some "options" I would like to have a "Drop Down" box become active if
the "option button" is selected. Is it possible to do that?

The appliaction on the form is something like this....
- Select the type of Reservation do you want
1. Weekly
2. Monthly (Enter Month)

(For option 2 there woule be a Drop-Down-box to selext the month)

MD Websunlimited

Hi Ray,

You'll need to program it using JavaScript and the use the disabled attribute.

<input type=text name=ActionCode value="100" size="12" onchange="if(this.form.SKU.value == sku) { this.form.update.disabled =
false; } else { this.form.update.disabled = true; }">

Jon Spivey

I'd hide/show the month dropdown depending on the choice, eg
<script type="text/javascript">
function hideShow(a){
var b=document.getElementbyId('month');'block':'none';
weekly or monthly
<input type="radio" name="res" value="weekly" onclick="hideShow(0);">weekly
<input type="radio" name="res" value="monthly"
<div id="month">
Choose your month
<select name="month">
......the months

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