forms based on queries



I have created a form based on a query from multiple tables which I can
update and the new information shows up in the underlying tables, as well as
the form, from existing records, but the form does not reflect any new
records added, even though they are added to the tables as new records. Why
won't the form I created show these new additions. (They don't appear when I
do a search on them either through forms).
Thank you,

Jeff Boyce


It may be that your form doesn't "know" that there are new records to be

You could add a spot of code something like:
to one of your form's events to get the latest recordset.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


I did have a requery on the On Close event (that hadn't worked before) so
instead I built another event to requery somewhere else and forgot to delete
the first. Anyway, I screwed it up and was able to delete the requery but
now I get an error message when I open the database error -1517 with no
message and can't get any info on the web about this error.
My database is still intact but this message always pops up.


Jeff Boyce


Have you made a backup copy and run Compact & Repair?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Thank you Jeff...that worked. I still cannot get my forms to show new
records added. It shows updates and the new records are in the underlying
tables, just not in the form layout. I had requery on the OnClose event,
then tried it with the OnOpen event...but nothing. I have no criteria for
the query, just all the data I wanted to use in an updateable form. The form
is based on a query of about 8 there a better way to add these
tables to the form? I suppose I need to read up expression building to do

Also, I have existing tables that I want to link to a template but do not
know how to direct the template forms to my tables...they are not set up like
the template tables...I have read the "bible" and gone through the help files
but nothing has set me in the right direction. Again, this might be
something to read up on expression building.
Thanks for any direction you steer me in to better solve these problems.

Jeff Boyce


I'm going to recommend that you post these "new" questions as new threads.
Sometimes, folks don't read all the way to the bottom of an existing thread
and find new questions.

You'll likely get more eyes looking at and more brains considering your
questions by starting over at the top.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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