Formatting the output of hash values


Wayne Deleersnyder

Hi All,

I was going to write and ask if someone could help me fix the
formatting of my output for hash values, but I believe I got it right
now. But, because I couldn't find any website or tutorial to help me
with this issue I figured I'd make a post just in case someone else
runs into the same issue.


This past weekend I was just messing around learning about encryption
and hash values. I need hash values for a database I'm making. But,
along the way I came across MD5, SHA1, SHA2(256, 384, and 512
variants), plus others. I read that SHA2 is soon to be the new
defacto hash algorithm to use because of some identified weaknesses
(although from the looks of it, you'll need a pretty nice computer to
actually start cracking SHA1). Anyways, I figured I'd use SHA2

C# has a nice function for creating a hash value all in one step:

string hashValue =

Although you can use "MD5" or "SHA1." But nothing else for the SHA2

So eventually I started messing around and put together this little
snippet of code:
using System.Security.Cryptography;

string hashValue;
string thePassword = "test1";
byte[] hashedPassword;
HashAlgorithm alg_SHA512 = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA512");

// Do a hash using the SHA512 Algorithm
hashedPassword = alg_SHA512.ComputeHash(UTF8encodedPassword);
hashValue = BitConverter.ToString(hashedPassword);
lbl_SHA512_Alg_usingBitConverter.Text = "SHA512 using BitConverter: "
+ thePassword + " = " + hashValue;

But this would output a value something like this:
SHA512 using BitConverter: test1 = B1-6E-D7-D2-4B-3E-CB-D4-16-4D-CD-

I didn't like the hyphens, so after doing some digging around, I ended
up with this...
using System.Security.Cryptography;

protected void hashThis()

string hashValue;
string hashValue2 = "";
string thePassword = "test1";
byte[] hashedPassword;

HashAlgorithm alg_MD5 = HashAlgorithm.Create("MD5");
HashAlgorithm alg_SHA1 = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA1");
HashAlgorithm alg_SHA512 = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA512");

hashValue =
lbl_MD5_Forms.Text = "MD5: " + thePassword + " = " +

hashValue =
lbl_SHA1_Forms.Text = "SHA1: " + thePassword + " = " +

// Convert the password into a byte array so it can be
handled by the hash algorithm(s)
System.Text.UTF8Encoding textConverter = new
byte[] UTF8encodedPassword =

// Do a hash using the MD5 Algorithm
hashedPassword = alg_MD5.ComputeHash(UTF8encodedPassword);
hashValue = convertByteToHexString(hashedPassword);
lbl_MD5_Alg.Text = "MD5 Algoritm: " + thePassword + " = " +

// Do a hash using the SHA1 Algorithm
hashedPassword = alg_SHA1.ComputeHash(UTF8encodedPassword);
hashValue = convertByteToHexString(hashedPassword);
lbl_SHA1_Alg.Text = "SHA1 Algoritm: " + thePassword + " = " +

// Do a hash using the SHA512 Algorithm
hashedPassword = alg_SHA512.ComputeHash(UTF8encodedPassword);
hashValue2 = BitConverter.ToString(hashedPassword);
hashValue = convertByteToHexString(hashedPassword);
lbl_SHA512_Alg.Text = "SHA512 Algoritm: " + thePassword + " =
" + hashValue;
lbl_SHA512_Alg_usingBitConverter.Text = "SHA512 using
BitConverter: " + thePassword +
" = " + hashValue2;

// convertByteToHexString
// Description: calls the overloaded function with no delimiter
protected string convertByteToHexString(byte[] byteArray)
return convertByteToHexString(byteArray, "");

// convertByteToHexString
// Description: converts a byte array to a Hex String, using a
protected string convertByteToHexString(byte[] byteArray, string
string str_HexString = ""; // the
string where the hex value is stored
int lengthOfByteArray = byteArray.Length;
int count = 1;

foreach (byte x in byteArray)
str_HexString += x.ToString("X2"); // convert the
string to display in hex format
if (count++ < lengthOfByteArray)
str_HexString += delimiter;
return str_HexString;

Which gives me output that looks something like this:
MD5: test1 = 5A105E8B9D40E1329780D62EA2265D8A
SHA1: test1 = B444AC06613FC8D63795BE9AD0BEAF55011936AC

MD5 Algoritm: test1 = 5A105E8B9D40E1329780D62EA2265D8A
SHA1 Algoritm: test1 = B444AC06613FC8D63795BE9AD0BEAF55011936AC
SHA512 Algoritm: test1 =
SHA512 using BitConverter: test1 = B1-6E-D7-D2-4B-3E-CB-D4-16-4D-CD-

So in the end, the convertByteToHexString method creates a string
without the hyphens. Actually I can set my own delimiters this way if
I wish. Anyways... that's what I ended up with. If that helps
anyone, great. If you see errors, or I made a BIG booboo, please let
me know.

Wayne D.

Marc Gravell

2 points; first: this would be a good candidate for StringBuilder
rather than concatenation (otherwise you end up with a lot of
intermediary string objects floating around waiting to be GCd)
second: hex encoding is fine, but you may also wish to look at base
64; this would save you a bit of space (as if that mattered these
days) and complexity (more important); look at:


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