Formatting telephone numbers in a report


Bob Richardson

I store tel. nos. as a text field, and I use an input mask on the input
form. The numbers get stored like:

2065551234 in the text field, look like 206 555-1234 on the form. How can I
format the tel. no to look "properly" on a report.

Joseph Meehan

Bob said:
I store tel. nos. as a text field, and I use an input mask on the input
form. The numbers get stored like:

2065551234 in the text field, look like 206 555-1234 on the form. How can
I format the tel. no to look "properly" on a report.

You can use a format function.


I store tel. nos. as a text field, and I use an input mask on the input
form. The numbers get stored like:

2065551234 in the text field, look like 206 555-1234 on the form. How can I
format the tel. no to look "properly" on a report.

Easiest solution (before you entered the data) would have been to set
the mask to be saved with the data.
However, after the fact, set the control's Format property to:
@@@ @@@-@@@@

See Access help regarding Input Mask (and how to save it with the
entered data), and Format property Text and Memo datatypes.


Per "Bob Richardson said:
I store tel. nos. as a text field, and I use an input mask on the input
form. The numbers get stored like:

2065551234 in the text field, look like 206 555-1234 on the form. How can I
format the tel. no to look "properly" on a report.

Will they always be USA phone numbers and never have an extension tacked on to

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