Formatting Large Word Documents



I need to take an existing Word document and break it into sections so that
is easier to work with. These sections need to maintain the same formating
including page numbers, headers, footers, and then all need to be linked to
one cover page, table of contents, and index. How do I do this?

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello mnm
I need to take an existing Word document and break it into sections so that
is easier to work with. These sections need to maintain the same formating
including page numbers, headers, footers, and then all need to be linked to
one cover page, table of contents, and index. How do I do this?

careful there: "section" is a term of art in Word with a very specific
meaning. Each document is a series of (at least 1) section(s). Sections
govern a great deal of things like paper size and orientation, page
margins, headers and footers, etc.

While there are good reasons to create sections in a Word file (most
common in a long document where a new chapter shall start with a
different or no header content), it certainly is not helping to make a
document "easier."

So, what exactly is it you have in mind? Creating small (say: chapter)
documents in separate files? You can certainly do that. [And bring
together the parts to create TOC, INDEX, etc., say, by using INCLUDETEXT
or RD fields. Or Master/Subdocuments, if you dare!]

On a modern workstation and _properly setup_, you need a great deal of
content to warrant a split, though (as, again, things don't really get
_easier_ that way, either ... :)). Or many, many inserted OLE objects,
floating Shapes, etc. (and then, Word might not be the best application
to begin with).


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