Formatting hard drive


V toler

Cam someone please help me. I have a laptop that was
purchased from an individual. The system currently has
2000 installed and the system is not big enough for it to
perform correctly, so I am trying to install 95. I am
trying to do that by formating the C drive and then
booting from the 95 CD. However the system will not let
me format the hard drive. If I just install the 95 CD
will it override 2000 or will there be a conflict since
it is newer version? Any suggestions.

Thanks for the help!!!

Ray at

If you attempt to install W95, gasp, by booting to the W95 disk, you will
have to format the drive at that point. You cannot format the system drive
from within any OS. But wait a minute here, what is not big enough for W2K?
The hard drive? How small is it? Or are you talking about resources? Add
some RAM and stick with a real OS!!

Ray at home

V Toler

Thanks for the help, There is only about 40 RAM and from
what I understand you need at least 64 to run 2000
properly. Adding more RAM is not an option. My father
bought this computer and he does not want to put any more
money into it. For what he will be using it for the
system is big enough. I just need to get it running
correctly. The system originally came with 95 and someone
has installed 2000.

Ray at

Ah, I take it back then. 95 should be perfect. Or, if your Dad's hardcore,
40 MB isn't horrible on an NT 4 machine.

Ray at work



If your problem hasn't already been solved, the most
efficient answer would be to begin a Windows 2000 install.
At the point it asks you where to install it, select the
NTFS partition, if one exists and delete it. Repeat this
step for all partitions existing on the system. Once the
partitions are gone, press F3 to exit the install. Exit
all the way out then boot the machine with a Win95 or 98
boot disk. (Select Y to enable large disk support - If
drive is larger than 2 Gig, use a Win98 boot disk). At the
A:> prompt, type fdisk. Select the option (Usually 4) to
view current partitions. It should tell you none exist.
Press ESC to back out of there to the main FDISK menu.
Select option 1 to create a new partition. For simplicity,
use all available space and make partition active. Once
that process completes, escape all the way out and reboot
with boot floppy. At A:> prompt, type format c: and answer
yes to are you sure...? At the end of the format it will
ask you for a label. This is simply a name for the drive,
type whatever you wish or just press enter. Install Win95.

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