Formatting flash drive in NTFS in Vista?



I have an 8 GB flash drive that I attempted to format in NTFS on my
new Vista PC. The format was approx. 1/3 complete when it crashed.
Now my system doesn't seem to be able to read the drive, format it, or
store data on it!

So is there some problem with a Vista PC formatting a flash drive in

Thanks, MrBill


I had the same problem with my flash drive. I changed the file system in my
flash drive as recommended by Vista and I have not been able to access it
since. I would advise against changing the file system on any flash drive.
This will render your flash drive useless. You may as well throw the flash
drive into the trash can. It is useless to you now.

I contacted Microsoft about this problem and they informed me that I am out
of luck and there is nothing I can do to get the flash drive back to the
original file system. I contacted the flash drive manufacturer and they
informed me the flash drive is now useless.

P.S. To Richard Urban: If you are contemplating another rude, impolite and
discourteous remark about my answer please keep it to yourself. Thank you
very much.

Have a nice day.



Much as I hate to do it, I'll leave the format on my next flash drive
alone! Thanks for the tip . . .

- MrBill


CB said:
I had the same problem with my flash drive. I changed the file system in my
flash drive as recommended by Vista and I have not been able to access it
since. I would advise against changing the file system on any flash drive.
This will render your flash drive useless. You may as well throw the flash
drive into the trash can. It is useless to you now.

Nonsense. Just find someone running OS X. It will offer to format
"unreadable" devices. You can then reformat it however you like.


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