Formating WORD



I have done something to my document or computer that makes all my word
document show the formatting of a field. It will show something like
this-"{FORMTEXT}" or "{KEYWORDS \*MERGEFORMAT}" I cannot get this off of the
documents, all though this does not print out this way it is visually
annoying. I have tried the reviewing document and so forth and that has not
worked either. IT says just delete but there has to be just a click of a
button since I'm sure that is what I did in the first place.

Douglas J. Steele

Sorry, but this newsgroup is for questions about Access, the database
product that's part of Office Professional.

You'd be best off asking your question to a newsgroup related to Word.
Assuming you do repost, it would likely help the responder to know which
version of Word you're using.

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