Format title text



Hi experts!

I need some help reformating the title text on a large number of

I have formated the title object on the master slide the way I want
it, but how to I reasign this format and position to existing title
boxes? Especially, I want to get rid of bold and italic formating and
position all titles in the same relative position on the slide.

Thanks for your help!

Michael Koerner

When your finished formatting the *Master Slides* to your liking, the make sure
you save it as a *Template* file (.pot)

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

Hi experts!

I need some help reformating the title text on a large number of

I have formated the title object on the master slide the way I want
it, but how to I reasign this format and position to existing title
boxes? Especially, I want to get rid of bold and italic formating and
position all titles in the same relative position on the slide.

Thanks for your help!

Echo S

Hi, Rene,

You may just need to reapply the slide layout to the appropriate slides.
(You can do this to multiple slides at once in slide sorter view to speed
the process.)

Basically, this is necessary if you've applied any manual formatting to the
slides in question. Reapplying the slide layout should cause the new
formatting to "take." Sometimes you have to reapply it twice.


Thanks for your input.... however.... I can't seem to get rid of the
bold and italic formating that were formated manually on each page,
since the "normal" format on the master slide does not seem to include
"not bold" and "not italic".

Hope this makes some sense...


Michael Koerner

When you format your Slide Master & Title Master and save it as a template
(.pot), you should have no pages until you insert them, after you invoke the
master you created. If this is a Text Box (not the place holder) Then you will
need to select the box, then select font to set (Change) it.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

Thanks for your input.... however.... I can't seem to get rid of the
bold and italic formating that were formated manually on each page,
since the "normal" format on the master slide does not seem to include
"not bold" and "not italic".

Hope this makes some sense...


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