Format Date in Pivot Table



I have data in a spreadsheet that includes a "Date" column. I have formatted
the date the way I want it to read. But for my pivot table, I want
everything in a particular month to be in one column, not a column for each
day. For example, any date that is in February 2007 would be in one column,
but the spreadsheet has multiple dates for February 2007. This seems like
it should be a straightforward thing, but I can't find any info. Thanks for
any help you can provide.



Assuming that your dates are actual dates you will be able to group by that
field. Right click on your dates and select Group. Now group by Months,
Years, Days, ...


Hi, I had a similar problem last week but with days of the week. What I ended
up doing was in the data page I inserted another column called "day" (or in
your case "month"). From there, I put the formula =text( [cell with the date
in it],"dddd").

That converted that row that row to a text version of the date in the format
I required. In the pivot table, you may (not sure) have to format field to
the same date format, by format, cells, custom etc. Don't forget to refresh.

Try that and see what happens.


Thanks. Just to clarify -- I'm right clicking on all the column headings
with the dates in the pivot table, right? Not the data sheet?

I clicked on all of them, and got a bar above that read Group 1. But it
would seem that I would have to manually do this each time I add data or want
to update the sheet.

Maybe I'm reading your response wrong, so just let me know if I'm not doing
that correctly. Thanks!



Thanks. I thought about adding another column for month, and that may be the
easiest way to do it. I'm just trying to make the data entry as easy as
possible for the person doing it, and she's used to typing the date in a
single column.

I think she could learn...

Thanks for the info!


Gai said:
Hi, I had a similar problem last week but with days of the week. What I ended
up doing was in the data page I inserted another column called "day" (or in
your case "month"). From there, I put the formula =text( [cell with the date
in it],"dddd").

That converted that row that row to a text version of the date in the format
I required. In the pivot table, you may (not sure) have to format field to
the same date format, by format, cells, custom etc. Don't forget to refresh.

Try that and see what happens.


kleivakat said:
I have data in a spreadsheet that includes a "Date" column. I have formatted
the date the way I want it to read. But for my pivot table, I want
everything in a particular month to be in one column, not a column for each
day. For example, any date that is in February 2007 would be in one column,
but the spreadsheet has multiple dates for February 2007. This seems like
it should be a straightforward thing, but I can't find any info. Thanks for
any help you can provide.


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