format Compaq HD



I've got an old Compaq laptop from my friend.
I am trying to format the HD and reinstall win XP from Dell CD - but for
some reason I am not able to..?!
I set boot sequence to cd rom first, popped my win XP CD and I am getting
some error messages on a black screen.
any solutions/explanations?

thanks for any suggestions



lesio said:
I've got an old Compaq laptop from my friend.
I am trying to format the HD and reinstall win XP from Dell CD - but for
some reason I am not able to..?!
I set boot sequence to cd rom first, popped my win XP CD and I am getting
some error messages on a black screen.
any solutions/explanations?

You cannot use your Dell XP on a Compaq. The legality aside (the Dell,
being an OEM disk, is legally tied to the first machine on which it was
installed), Dell XP install disks are BIOS-locked to Dell motherboards.
When the install disk does not find a Dell motherboard, installation fails.

You should either contact Compaq (HP) support and purchase a restore
disk set for your model computer or, if the restore disks are no longer
available, purchase a retail copy of XP from the store. If the restore
disks are still available, they usually cost under $25 so that's the
preferred way to go.

If you don't get the restore disks and instead buy a retail version of
XP, don't forget to go to Compaq's website and download all the drivers
for your laptop. You will need to install drivers for all your hardware
and any laptop-specific software (such as a program for power
management) after the operating system is installed.


John John

We can't help you unless you tell us exactly what it says on the screen.



thanks a lot
I will look for restore disk set
can you tell me more about this BIOS-locked disks - in the past I installed
winXP from this CD on my other built at home non-Dell desktop
why it worked before?


John John

I read your post too quickly and I didn't grab on to the fact that you
were trying to use a Dell CD on a Compaq machine. Malke gave you the
correct answer.



same question as for Malke (just to educate myself)
why it worked before on my home-built desktop?


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