Form to allow easy check off of people who attended a course




I am designing a database for a client and just wondered if you have
designed a database form like the one I am about to describe and if so, could
I take a look at it or what do I need to do to build the form or perhaps some
site I can go to to see how its done?

The part of the database I am working on now concerns 3 tables: a list of
courses, a list of persons, and a list of persons and what course they

The user has a paper copy of a course and a list of persons signatures who
completed that course on a certain date. Rather than having the user go into
the list of persons who completed a course and have to, one at a time for
each student who attended the course, pick the person, pick the same course,
pick the date attended....I would like a form whereby the user easily picks
the course once, picks the date attended once, then easily marks a check box
next to each person who attended the course, then clicks a button and as a
result, all the records of people who took that course on a certain date are
filled in the table that contains the list of person and what couse they

Thank you very much


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