Form Preview



Hi there,

When I want to print a form that I designed in Form Print Preview mode I
have a slight problem with some textboxes.
If the textboxes are filled with text they go invisible(i have also tried
The problem lies that when I go print this custom made form(it mocks a
report) in some cases the textboxes flow over to the next page, therefore,
creating a blank page.

Is there anyway to "remove" the textboxes during runtime? Or is there
another property that would allow the textboxes to be "hidden" (by hidden, i
mean that they play no part on the current form).



Forms are for adding, changing or viewing data. They do not print well. U
suggest creating reports that emulat the form appearance and print through a
command button

Rick B

As stated many many times in these newsgroups, you should print reports, not
forms. Forms are for viewing, adding, and editing data. Reports are for
printing data.

Create a report and add a button to your forms that will print the desired


The form actually works very well for what I want.
The problem lies in getting rid of the empty textboxes.
..Visible and .Enabled dont do the trick



Yes. I agree with you.

Just pretend I never mentioned that I was "mocking" a report. Or even the
idea of a report.

At this point I am certain that getting rid of these textboxes is not a
realistic idea.
Are there other possibilites?


Rick B

I think you are missing the point. Forms are not designed to be printed. I
don't care if you are mocking a report, or trying to print out a blank
credit application for customers to fill in with a pen. The fact is that if
you want to print it, do it as a report.

Douglas J Steele

And just to add onto Rick's appropriate advice, Access has the ability to
convert a form to a report, so it shouldn't be that much work for you

Right-click on the form in the Database container and select Save As Report


Yes. I agree with you.

Just pretend I never mentioned that I was "mocking" a report. Or even the
idea of a report.

At this point I am certain that getting rid of these textboxes is not a
realistic idea.
Are there other possibilites?


As you insist upon printing the form, instead of saving it as a
report, you can set each control's Display When property to Screen
Only (default is Always).


I think I am having to disagree with printing out a form. In my case I have a
form that I want someone to follow. No instead of having to create the form
and the report, I should be able to print our the form so someone can fill it
in and then give it back to me. Reports are for printing data in a good and
nice format, but there is a use for printing out a form.

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