Form does not show



I am new to VC++ and I have an issue. If I create a project and place a
form on it, it compiles and runs, showing the form. However, when I add a
form to some other project, the form does not show even though the host
projects runs.

Here's what I have:

1. I have a project (just for testing) called HelloWorld and it just prints
"Hello, World".
2. I added a form using Project->Add New Item then under the Visual C++
folder I selected the "Windows Form (.NET)" template and give it the name
3. From there I #include "Test.cpp" (Test.cpp includes Test.h), built the
project (it compiles successfully) and execute.
4. The program runs and prints "Hello, World" but the form does not show.

What do I do here?


Sijin Joseph

Hey Jazz,

The problem is that the project you are adding your form to is a Console
application which does not have a GUI, you can confirm this by looking
in project properties -> Output Type.

When you create a Windows Application project, VS.Net automatically adds
a Main() method that shows your form, that is why when you add the form
and run it, the form is shown. The code in the main method should look like

Application.Run(new Form1()) //this is C# code

If you want to change your existing HelloWorld project which is a
ConsoleApp to show your form, you will need to make the following changes

1. Add a reference to Sysem.Windows.Forms and System.Drawing
2. Change OutputType of the project to Windows Application
3. In the main method write the above line of code passing in the name
of your form class.

Let me know if you have any problems.

Sijin Joseph

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