Foreign language support in ASP.Net


Calvin Lai

Hi all,

I have a serious problem with the application I am developing. The language
I used are mainly English, and some Chinese. (But I guess this problem
happens accross different language).

In web.config, my Request/Response encoding are set to "iso8859-1" (which I
have no idea what is shd be at all).
For each request, I handled and added Response.CharSet = "big5" in the
In each of the aspx WebForm files, there are sometimes Chinese character in
My database is filled with Data in Chinese Language and the platform is

My poblem now is, if I just load the data and display it in a grid or just
retrieve fields from dataset and display them as string, there is no problem
of displaying correctly.

However, if I use DropDownList, TextArea, or have Chinese characters inside
a aspx.cs file and trying to display them on aspx file, those characters
will be totally screwed (some garbage computer letters).

Does anyone of you know how to proper set the language encoding? I really
have no idea after searching online. Thanks in advance for your help.


Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

Have you tried setting it to use unicode?
Here's more info on the subject:

Also, have you checked the Globalization section of the web.config?
Try changing it to something more like this:

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="Off"/>

Calvin Lai


The current web.config is the same settings as suggested. But it still
doesn't work. Any idea? Thanks.

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