Forcs download file to Temporary Internet Files



Hi all,

I would like to know if there is any method in asp or to direct the
browser to download a file into the Temporary Internet Files directory so
that i can make use of vb script to do the further process

ie. tells IE to download my desired Word File into the Temporary Internet
Files and call an office com object to open it

Thx in advance


John Saunders

Norton said:
Hi all,

I would like to know if there is any method in asp or to direct the
browser to download a file into the Temporary Internet Files directory so
that i can make use of vb script to do the further process

ie. tells IE to download my desired Word File into the Temporary Internet
Files and call an office com object to open it

Why would it have to be in Temporary Internet Files in order for vbscript to
operate on it?

John Saunders

Norton said:
i don't want the browser to open the doc file n the server directly lee

Ok, but why would it have to be in Temporary Internet Files in order to
prevent the browser from opening it directly?


because the target file is a doc file .
which i think it is not expected to directly open from web browser, when one
user has opened the file, the other user can get an unexpected result if he
attempts to open that file..

I have fixed the problem by adding a "?DummyData" code after the link of
that doc, which will download the doc to temp folder...

but seems funny :p

John Saunders

Norton said:
because the target file is a doc file .
which i think it is not expected to directly open from web browser, when one
user has opened the file, the other user can get an unexpected result if he
attempts to open that file..

I have fixed the problem by adding a "?DummyData" code after the link of
that doc, which will download the doc to temp folder...

I have never had any problem with a browser opening a .doc file. I have
never heard of any reason to put .doc files or anything else into "Temporary
Internet Files", which isn't even a real directory.

I think you should try putting the .doc files somewhere else and then see
what happens.

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