Forced Reboot


Johnny Lingo

About 3 years ago there was a program that someone pointed me to that you
could force every computer on your network to reboot. I have since lost the
link. Does anyone know of a good tool?

Ron Gabaree

Hi Johnny,

Try shutdown.exe...

Type "shutdown/?" at the commnd prompt. It should give you some help...



Hi Johnny,

Try shutdown.exe...

Type "shutdown/?" at the commnd prompt. It should give you some help...

Further, you can force shutdowns on a network. I can't think of the
program offhand, as the night guys do this, but I do know they
occasionally push down a command over the network that reboots all
they systems occasionally.

Some auto-updates also cause the systems to reboot. When those are
pushed down to all network systems, you get a forced-reboot.

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