footnote disaster



I'm about to submit my Phd thesis, and (maybe due to using a few different
computers running different versions, also changing from footnotes to
endnotes..), I've just found the footnotes have lost their numbering. All
each footnote has by it is an upside-down 'L'. ANy ideas to fix it? I've
hardly any time! Thanks, N


Is your "upside-down L" perchance a paragraph mark?

One thing to try is to select all the endnotes (put the cursor in any
one of them, Ctrl-A), and apply the Endnote Text style format. (To get
access to that style, choose "Show All Styles" from the dropdown at
the bottom of the Styles & Formatting panel -- I forget how to get at
it in 2007, because it was just about the first thing I put on my


See p0's reply in the "how do I change the default font settings"
thread for access to the panel -- Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S ought to do it --
and then how to locate "hidden" built-in styles.

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