font template style



I have a custom template (a letterhead) I've created. When I open it and type
in it, the new type doesn't adhere to the style - it adds Times New Roman to
the Style.

For example, if I type in the 'Normal' text area (where I have some default
text saved to save time), it becomes 'Normal+Times New Roman'. I then have to
revert all my new text back to the Normal style, which is time-consuming.

Notably, in my Normal template I do not use TNR font. Any help would be much

Shauna Kelly

Hi riss

Try this. Do File > Open and navigate to your template so you open the
template (that is, open the template; don't create a document based on the

Do ctrl-a to select all the text. Now, ctrl-spacebar and then ctrl-q.

That will remove all direct formatting from the text, leaving only text in
the underlying styles.

If necessary, modify the styles to suit your needs.

Now, save your template and create a new document based on it.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Hi Shauna,

Thanks for that - I appreciate the reply. Unfortunately it didn't work! It
seems to only be the Geneva typeface which is the problem. I have identical
templates which don't have the same problem, using Tahoma as the Body Text or
Normal style.

Have you ever heard of different fonts having diferent effects on templates?



Shauna Kelly

Hi riss

Check Tools > Options > Compatibility > Font Substitution. This controls
what happens if a document specifies a font that is not available on the
computer. Any clues there?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Hi Shauna,

Thanks for that suggestion. Unfortunately it didn't make any difference as I
have both fonts installed on my system - I believe that would only affect the
document if I had a missing font.

Thanks for your help though, I'm going to put it down to 'one of those



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