Font Size Issues ad nauseum



After reading through all posts about font size issues and getting almost
everything set up on my screen so it's readable, I'm still getting
teensy-weensy, eye-straining, minescule fonts showing up sporadically in
applications and web pages when I'm on the laptop. Might this have something
to do with my screen size/resolution? I've got a 15.4" LCD optimized at
1920x1200 (anything smaller causes things to display very fuzzy). Surely,
there has to be a way to rectify this situation so that all the fonts are
readable. Any suggestions? Please?

Bob I

It's precisly because you got a 15.4" LCD optimized at
1920x1200 (anything smaller causes things to display very fuzzy)
Is ClearType enabled?
Display Properties, Appearance, Effects, Use method smooth screen edges


Yes, indeed, ClearType is enabled - double-checked just to make sure.

I was afraid it was screen size/resolution related. Might need to start
carrying a magnifying glass with the laptop....

Bob I

Only other thing I can think of is Display Properties, Settings,
Advanced, General, DPI setting. You can make the size change there but
will find that some dialog boxes will become unreadable due to the text
no longer fitting inside the available window.


Yep, the DPI setting is how I got the rest of the fonts to an easily readable
size. Maybe I'll try the computer manufacturer - I can't be the only one
having this problem....

Thanks for your advice, though!

Bob I

Will the system render an 860x600 resolution?

Kiya said:
Yep, the DPI setting is how I got the rest of the fonts to an easily readable
size. Maybe I'll try the computer manufacturer - I can't be the only one
having this problem....

Thanks for your advice, though!


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