FolderBrowserDialog Problem



Hey Guys,

The problem is that during the installation i need to get a path from
the user using a FolderBrowserDialog. The thing is though that when the
dialog displays the window shows with the description and every other
component except the browsing window. here is the code.

'declare variables
Dim dir As String
Dim browse As System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
'create the diaolg
browse.ShowNewFolderButton = False
browse.Description = "my description"
'get the path
dir = browse.SelectedPath

this is inside an installer class and is being called from a custom
action. I'm using VB.NET and Visual Studio 2003 any input or suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

- Adam


Hey Guys,

Well I got the answer. The problem was i needed to run it on a different

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