Folder views



Folder views dont stick and keep changing random types of view, anyone else
experiencing this or know how tae fix. Its a bit like the good old days of
Reset Views in Folder Options works, but only for a short time


Just the 2 of us that have this problem then.

I tried deleting 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local
Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags' but again that only works
for a short while.


grahamham said:
Folder views dont stick and keep changing random types of view,
anyone else experiencing this or know how tae fix. Its a bit like the
good old days of XP.
Reset Views in Folder Options works, but only for a short time

No the 3 of us - its a PITA Iagree.


RayG said:
No the 3 of us - its a PITA Iagree.

Just seen other post - worth trying this...

Open explorer, hit the ALT key a low and behold we have the old menu -
tools/folder options etc. etc. I have reset mine and will see how we go from


I get it too.

Its a real pain having 2TB stored and rarely having folders display the way
one wants or has last (often repeatedly) set them to.

If an OS cannot at least manage files and folders right it is a pretty sorry

Mark Bourne

grahamham said:
Folder views dont stick and keep changing random types of view, anyone
else experiencing this or know how tae fix. Its a bit like the good old
days of XP.
Reset Views in Folder Options works, but only for a short time

Loads of people are experiencing the same thing (including me). It seems
it's a bug in Explorer, which will hopefully be fixed some time.
Apparently it's carried over from XP's Explorer, but I never used XP
much so wouldn't know of problems there.



thank goodness i am not the only one, thought i was going mad?!

I added a photo foler in users and set them as photo/video type.. and made
all the photo's extra large..

next thing I know I came out and it has done that to the entire C drive....
and all the folder in C: Programs are all saying they are picture/video
folders... and when I opened them up everything inside was in extra large view

If I change them back, then my photo's go back too..... then I changed the
way my docs sat in my docs folder to be grouped my type and they keep
changing back to being viewed my name...

this is EXTREMELLY annoying.... is there anything that can be done so that
one you set what type of folder you have and how you want to use it, it stays
that way and not change everything else with it??

Also at present all the folers in my c drive thinks they are picture/video
folders and obvs I am unable to change any one them back, Programs, Users,

Adam Albright

Hi Everyone,

Here's a link that will show you how to reset the view settings in
Vista and increase the cache size so Vista will start remembering your
Folder View settings again. You will most likely need to do the second


Hope this helps you all,

Grim testimony to how truly screwed up Vista and it's bloated Registry
really is that you have to dick around like this to change things.
Shame on Microsoft for dumping such a bloated pig on a unsuspecting
public. Just another sign of how poorly written Vista really is.

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