

Angie M.


I'm working with Excel 2003. I have a column that contains First Name,
space, Last name. I need it to contain Last Name, comma, space, First name.
I've searched through the other questions/answers and tried a few things
myself (like Text to columns) with no luck.

Is there anyway this can be done other than retyping?? I can create a new
column to hold the data and then delete the old one if necessary, I just need
to fix about 1100 rows and then from there I will enter it the correct way in
the first place.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Ed Ferrero

Hi Angie,

If cell A1 contains "Red Ferrari" this formula will return "Ferrari, Red"

=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(" ",A1,1)) & ", " & LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)-1)

Ed Ferrero

Angie M.

Thanks, that worked perfectly! I just realized that I need to turn the
result of the formula into text now, so I will create another blank column to
the right and convert the results of the formula into text. How do I do

Thanks again, Ed.

Ed Ferrero

Hi Angie,
Thanks, that worked perfectly! I just realized that I need to turn the
result of the formula into text now, so I will create another blank column
the right and convert the results of the formula into text. How do I do

The formula does return text. If you want Text in a cell instead of a
formula, Copy, Paste Special, Values.

Ed Ferrero

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