flashplayer6 plug-in slows system down


Jeff Malka

I just downloaded the flashplayer6 and installed it on my Mozilla browser
running in XP home. Since then, everything has slowed down and the CPU is
running at 100%.

How do I un-install it? I cannot find it under "Add and remove Programs"


Jeff Malka

Thank you.

I searched google and it told me that to uninstall it flash manually I
should go to the subdirectory for my browser (Mozilla), go to its plugin
folder and delete the appropriate flash plugin file. I did. The system
remained slow. I shutdown XP to restart to see if that would fix it and
while shutting down got a message that the "DDE Server Window" was "not
responding" and did I want to end it. I answered yes. When I rebooted the
problem was gone. So it looks like the flash install did something
connected to DDE window turning it unresponsive and that is what slowed the
system down. Now everything is speedy again.

Any idea why?

Jeff Malka
(e-mail address removed)

T.C. said:
Tell me about it. Macromedia couldn't make it an easy (sarcasm).
You have to download an uninstaller file to remove the Flash Player.
Go to:


Read the directions on the page. Then download the correct Flash
Player uninstaller for your operating system.
Pay it forward...
Delete [REMOVE] from email address to respond by email

Jeff Malka said:
I just downloaded the flashplayer6 and installed it on my Mozilla
browser running in XP home. Since then, everything has slowed down
and the CPU is running at 100%.

How do I un-install it? I cannot find it under "Add and remove


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